Tuesday 29 November 2011

ICT Tool Group 1

Digital technologies:
This group of tools are online spaces that are content free, meaning that the user can add their own information, links, images and vidoes. These spaces are suitable for students when there is are clear learning outcomes established so that the space has an intent and purpose to aim for. Learning is generated through online digital technologies that cannot occur in any other way, such as the use of onine interaction. These tools are about the students using  and learning through the tools, not just about the teacher presenting information in a new way to students.

The tools in group 1 include blogging, wikis and webpages.

Wikis also provide a great tool for parents to see what their children are learning at school and for teachers, parents and students to connect in a non-threatening equal environment.
Web log (blog):
This is an online space maintained by an individual, others can comment on posts but cannot edit or change posts. Blogs often contain regular entries that include but are not limited to commentary, descriptions, events, graphies, videos. These entries are displayed in reverse order meaning that the most recent posts are at the top of the page, this is done for ease of access for the reader, who can open the blog at any time and read the most recent posts first. Blogs are often primarily textual in nature but do allow videos, images and links to be added to the posts.

Within the school context a blog can be used to exchange ideas, share discoveries and new information. However it is important that the Learning Manager scaffolds the learning using framewords such as Debono's thinking hats to ensure that students reach a higher level of thinking and are achieving learning outcomes through the use of blogs.


Wikis are a great tool for learning and have many potential uses including: study guides created by students, vocab lists, results of collaborative learning, science experiments, mathematical procedures, excursions and non-excursions, history of local area and many others. The only limit is the teacher’s creativity and imagination. 3


Websites are a space set up by one or more persons for other to view in order to share information, images and videos. I can see a great use for this in the classroom for teachers to share student work and communicate their achievements with parents and the world. Students would love seeing their work published on the internet for others to view.
The teacher would need to be sensitive to safety using this program. Student identity and in some cases the location would need to be protected. While a website is great for sharing it does not have the features of a wiki do that allow collaborative learning. A website is constructed and managed by one or a few persons and visitors to the site may simply read and view the content but not participate in any other way so it has limitations. On the other hand it may be a positive feature as student work that has been displayed cannot be changed or deleted by a third party.

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